Learn about dog teeth and chewing

Learn about dog teeth and chewing

Teething is an important stage in a puppy’s development. During this time, puppies experience a great deal of discomfort as their baby teeth are pushed out by their permanent adult teeth. This discomfort can lead to increased chewing and biting behavior, making it important for pet owners to understand the teething process and know how to deal with it.

What is Teething?

Teething is the process by which a puppy’s baby teeth are replaced by their adult teeth. This process usually begins at around three months of age and continues until the puppy is about six months old. During this time, the puppy’s gums may become inflamed and sore, causing them to chew on anything they can get their teeth on.

Why is Chewing Important for Puppies?

Chewing is an important part of a puppy’s development. It helps to strengthen their jaw muscles, clean their teeth and gums, and relieve the discomfort caused by teething. Chewing also provides mental stimulation and helps to prevent boredom.

How to Manage Chewing Behavior in Puppies

Provide Chew Toys

One of the best ways to manage chewing behavior in puppies is to provide them with plenty of chew toys. These toys are designed to be safe and durable, and they will help to satisfy the puppy’s urge to chew. Some of the best chew toys for puppies include rope toys, rubber toys, and bones.

Supervise Your Puppy

It is important to supervise your puppy whenever they are chewing on something. This will help you to ensure that they are not chewing on anything that could be harmful to them, such as electrical cords or furniture. You can also use this opportunity to redirect your puppy’s attention to a more appropriate chew toy.

Train Your Puppy

Training your puppy can help to reduce their chewing behavior. You can start by teaching them basic commands, such as “leave it” and “drop it.” These commands will help you to redirect your puppy’s attention away from inappropriate items and towards more appropriate chew toys.

Reward Good Behavior

It is important to reward your puppy when they display good behavior, such as when they choose to chew on a designated chew toy instead of something they should not be chewing on. This can be done with praise, treats, or toys.

Provide Mental Stimulation

In addition to providing your puppy with plenty of chew toys, it is important to also provide them with plenty of mental stimulation. This can be done through training, playing games, and providing interactive toys. Mental stimulation will help to reduce your puppy’s boredom and prevent them from chewing on inappropriate items.


Teething and chewing are an important part of a puppy’s development. It is important for pet owners to understand the teething process and to manage their puppy’s chewing behavior in a safe and effective manner. By providing plenty of chew toys, supervising your puppy, training them, rewarding good behavior, and providing mental stimulation, you can help to ensure that your puppy’s teething and chewing experience is as smooth and comfortable as possible.


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