How to Kennel Train a Puppy: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Kennel Train a Puppy: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you're a new puppy owner, you may be wondering how to kennel train your furry friend. Kennel training is a great way to give your puppy a safe and comfortable place to rest, especially when you're not at home. It can also help with house training and prevent destructive behavior. In this article, we'll guide you through the steps of kennel training your puppy.

Step 1: Choose the Right Kennel

The first step in kennel training your puppy is to choose the right kennel. When selecting a kennel, consider the following:

  • Size: Choose a kennel that is big enough for your puppy to stand, turn around, and lay down comfortably. Make sure there's enough room for a bed and a water bowl.
  • Material: Look for a kennel made of sturdy and durable materials, such as metal or plastic. Avoid soft-sided kennels, as they may not provide enough security for your puppy.
  • Ventilation: Ensure that the kennel has adequate ventilation to keep your puppy cool and comfortable.
  • Door: The door should be secure and easy to open and close.

Step 2: Get Your Puppy Used to the Kennel

Once you've chosen the right kennel, the next step is to get your puppy used to it. Here's how:

  • Place the kennel in a quiet and familiar room.
  • Leave the door open and place treats and toys inside. Encourage your puppy to explore the kennel on their own.
  • Once your puppy is comfortable going in and out of the kennel, start closing the door for short periods of time while you're in the room. Gradually increase the time you spend outside of the room.
  • Praise your puppy when they're calm and relaxed in the kennel.

Step 3: Begin Kennel Training

Now that your puppy is comfortable with the kennel, it's time to begin kennel training. Here's how:

  • Start by putting your puppy in the kennel when they're tired or after a play session. This will help them associate the kennel with rest and relaxation.
  • Offer your puppy a treat and a toy when you place them in the kennel.
  • Gradually increase the time your puppy spends in the kennel, starting with just a few minutes and working your way up to several hours.
  • If your puppy becomes distressed or cries, wait until they're calm before opening the door.
  • Gradually start using the kennel for longer periods of time, such as when you're at work or running errands.

Step 4: Reinforce Good Behavior

It's important to reinforce good behavior during the kennel training process. Here's how:

  • Praise your puppy when they're calm and relaxed in the kennel.
  • Reward them with treats and toys when they go in the kennel on command.
  • Gradually phase out the treats as your puppy becomes more confident in the kennel.

Step 5: Gradually Increase Time Spent in the Kennel

Once your puppy has become comfortable with going into the kennel and eating in there, you can start to increase the amount of time they spend in the kennel. Start by leaving them in there for short periods of time, like 5-10 minutes, when you are home and able to keep an eye on them. Make sure to offer them plenty of positive reinforcement and praise when they are in the kennel, and give them a treat when they come out.

Step 6: Train Your Puppy to Stay in the Kennel for Longer Periods

As your puppy becomes more comfortable with spending time in the kennel, gradually increase the amount of time they spend in there. Start with short increments, like 15-20 minutes, and work your way up to longer periods of time, like an hour or two. During this time, you can do things like watch TV or work on your computer, so your puppy learns that you will come back and that being in the kennel is not a negative experience.

It's important to make sure that your puppy has plenty of toys and chew bones to keep them entertained while they are in the kennel. You can also give them special treats and praise when they are in the kennel to reinforce positive behavior.

Step 7: Gradually Increase Time in the Kennel

As your puppy gets more and more comfortable with the kennel, you can start gradually increasing the time they spend inside. Start with small increments, such as five minutes at a time, and gradually build up to longer periods, such as an hour or more. Make sure to give your puppy plenty of praise and rewards when they are inside the kennel. You can also use treats, toys, and chew bones to keep your puppy entertained while they are in the kennel.

Step 8: Teach Your Puppy to Go into the Kennel on Command

Now that your puppy is comfortable with the kennel, you can start teaching them to go into the kennel on command. Start by using a treat or toy to entice your puppy into the kennel. Once your puppy is inside, give them plenty of praise and rewards, and then immediately close the door. Repeat this process several times, until your puppy is going into the kennel without hesitation. Then, you can start using the command “kennel” or “go to bed” to signal that it is time for your puppy to go into the kennel.

Step 9: Gradually Decrease Rewards and Praise

As your puppy becomes more and more comfortable with the kennel, you can start gradually decreasing the frequency of rewards and praise. This will help your puppy learn that the kennel is a safe and comfortable place to be, even when they are not being directly rewarded. Over time, your puppy will come to associate the kennel with comfort, security, and a sense of calm, even when you are not there to reward them.

Step 10: Practice and Reinforcement

The final step in kennel training your puppy is to continue practicing and reinforcing the lessons you have taught. Regularly use the command to signal that it is time for your puppy to go into the kennel, and continue to reward and praise your puppy for good behavior. Over time, your puppy will become an expert at kennel training, and will be able to spend time in their kennel without any stress or discomfort.


Kennel training your puppy can be a challenging but rewarding process. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can help your puppy learn to associate the kennel with comfort, security, and a sense of calm. Remember to be patient, consistent, and positive, and to reward and praise your puppy every step of the way. With time and practice, your puppy will become a well-trained and happy kennel resident.

Remember to always supervise your puppy when they are in the kennel, especially if they are new to the training process. You don't want them to develop any negative associations with the kennel or with being alone.

By following these steps, you can successfully kennel train your puppy and help them become more comfortable and relaxed in their new home. With patience and persistence, you can help your puppy learn to enjoy spending time in their kennel and develop a positive relationship with it.


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