Noble Beast Dog Training review

Noble Beast Dog Training review

Dog training is an essential aspect of responsible pet ownership. It helps to ensure that our furry companions are well-behaved and can coexist peacefully with us and other animals in our society. With so many different dog training methods and philosophies available, it can be overwhelming to try and find the right one for you and your pup. One method that has been gaining popularity in recent years is the Noble Beast Dog Training method. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at this method and provide an honest review of our experience with it.

The Noble Beast Dog Training method is based on the principles of positive reinforcement. This means that dogs are trained using rewards and praise rather than punishment or fear. This approach is not only kinder and more humane, but it has been shown to be more effective in the long run as well. The trainers at Noble Beast believe that dogs are not trying to be disobedient, they just need to be taught how to behave in a way that is acceptable to us.


We decided to give the Noble Beast Dog Training method a try with our 2-year-old German Shepherd, Max. He had some basic obedience training, but we were having trouble getting him to come when called and to stop jumping on people. We contacted Noble Beast and set up an evaluation to see if their method would be a good fit for us.

The evaluation was conducted by a trainer named John. He was very friendly and patient with Max, and he took the time to get to know us and our training goals. He also gave us a tour of the training facility, which was clean and well-maintained. We were impressed by the large indoor and outdoor training areas, as well as the wide variety of equipment and props that were available for use.

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After the evaluation, John recommended that we enroll in a 6-week basic obedience course. We were excited to get started and signed up right away. The course was held twice a week, and each session lasted about an hour. We were pleased to see that the class size was small, with only 4-5 dogs per session. This allowed for plenty of individual attention and personalized instruction.

During the course, we learned how to teach Max basic commands such as sit, stay, come, heel, and down. We also worked on correcting unwanted behaviors such as jumping and pulling on the leash. The trainers at Noble Beast used a clicker and treats to reward Max for good behavior, and they never used any harsh or punitive methods. They also gave us homework assignments to practice with Max at home between classes.


We were amazed by the progress that Max made during the 6-week course. He was now coming when called, sitting and staying on command, and walking calmly on a leash. He had also stopped jumping on people, which was a huge relief. We were so happy with the results that we decided to sign up for an advanced obedience course and a therapy dog training course.

Overall, we had a very positive experience with Noble Beast Dog Training. The trainers were professional, knowledgeable, and patient. They made the training process fun and enjoyable for both us and Max. We highly recommend the Noble Beast Dog Training method to anyone looking to improve their dog's behavior and deepen the bond between you and your furry companion.


If you are looking for a dog training method that is based on positive reinforcement and is effective, then the Noble Beast Dog Training method might be the perfect choice for you and your furry companion. Give them a call, set up an evaluation and see for yourself how much the training can benefit your dog.


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